High quality peat substrate is specially adapted for professional use and suitable for growing and care of various kinds of plants. These product lines cover all major plant cultivation processes and methods as well.

Product line cover all major plant cultivation processes and methods as well. Substrates constant and high-quality guarantees healthy plant vegetation from seeding to maturity. The products are free from weeds and pathogenic nematodes harmful to plants.
GP2 150/250 L
pH 5,5–6,5

Limestone 5 kg / m3

PG mix (14-16-18) 1 kg / m3

Volume 250l

Growing media is made of raised bog type, medium-decomposed peat. The product contains naturally occurring nutrients of organic origin. Natural peat is used to increase the porosity of clay loam, to improve low-humus sandy soils, using mixtures as growing media with garden soil and compost. Suitable for improving the structure of greenhouses and garden soils.
Natural peat
pH 3,5–4,5

Fraction 0–20 mm

Volume 250l

Growing media is made of raised bog type, medium-decomposed peat. The product contains limestone and wetting agent. The product is used for production of substrates with the addition of NPK fertilizers and microelements. This peat is used to increase the porosity and clay loam, to improve low-humus sandy soils, using mixtures as growing media with garden soil and compost. Suitable for improving the structure of greenhouses and garden soils.
Neutralized peat
pH 5,5-6,5

Fraction 0–20 mm

Volume 250l